Vantek Materials Limited
Dedication. Commitment. Excellence.
Vantek Materials Ltd, serving the construction industry over 25 years in Hong Kong, Macao and the Greater China under our sister company, Vantek Limited, is an innovation and technology-driven company specializing in supplying unique performance architectural and building products to new and retrofit projects. We are a team of dedicated professionals serving architects, engineers, contractors, management, owners, government agencies and others involved in their projects. Understanding the needs and the challenges presently facing in an increasingly demanding environment, we strive to supply the best products and services to our clients with increasing concern for substantiality.
We supply, design, engineer and install a range of composite and polymer products for structural, civil and interior applications.
Agents & Exclusive Distributors :
TimberTech Outdoor Decking & Railing Products, USA
- Recycled Plastic, Wood Composite Decking, Cladding & Railing Products
Deltalok Geo Modular System
- Erosion Control & Earth Wall Systems
IGRID & Top Composite Reinforced Plastics
- Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Structural Products
KA Coverings Total Panel System, Spain
- Stone, Wood & Metal Finishes Composite Panels
Aspire Composite Paver System, USA
- Recycled Plastic Pavers
Vycom Plastics Panels, USA
- Plastic Suppliers, HDPE & Plastic Sheet Manufacturers
Scranton Restroom Cubicals & Lockers, USA
- Toilet Partition & Lockers Manufacturer